Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Black Diamond Baby

So one of my new favorite things to do is snowboard. I honestly love it. I am in a BYU snowboarding class right now, which is so fun, especially because Andrew, Sam, and Torrie are in the class with me. I have been quite a few times this season- but I can honestly say that I have not skipped school to go, maybe study time, but never missed class. So today we had class and my level one teacher said that I could move up a group because I was catching on fairly well. So I decided to move into Sam's group, because I always have fun boarding with her, and so I moved into a level 3 class. I was excited until the point where half way up the lift Dave, the instructor, said that we were going to the back mountain and we were starting out on a black diamond. I think my jaw may have dropped, but I tried not to act scared. So to make a long story of lots of falls- but thankfully in powder, short, I successfully went down my first black diamond run. Well I guess it is my second time, but the first was in Colorado with Sam- and that was on accident. So we did a few different black diamond runs, some steep blues and then we had free board. I met up with Andrew and I told him I wanted to race down the mountain, but only if I had a 20 second headstart. So off I went, thinking I was going so fast, when Andrew was already right behind me. We kept going and even though I think (well I know) he let me win, I can honestly say I beat Andrew. It was an accomplishing day :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wahoooo Jess. You for sure would have beaten me. I used to like to sit down on my board and use it as a sled. That's what a whimp I was when it came to snow boarding. Let's be honest...I hate being downstaris alone at Mom and Dad's house. I am a wimp!