Friday, April 17, 2009


So I've come to a realization that my life has become a basic repetition of routines. We haven't had classes these past few days because we had reading days and then finals and I am so lost as to what day it is. This is when I came to the realization that depending on what classes I went to that day, I know what day it is. Mondays and Wednesdays was always Religion and Chemistry, Tuesdays was Volleyball and English, Thursdays was Volleyball, English, Anatomy lecture&lab, and Physical Science, and Fridays were English and Chemistry. Besides the fact of knowing what day it is by my weekly routine, I realize that I do a lot of the same things everyday:

-Set my alarm clock 9 minutes earlier than I want to get up so I can hit snooze once
-Roll out of bed, say my prayers, head to the bathroom
-Go to the bathroom, get my toothbrush, and as I'm brushing my teeth I make my bed
(that's my new definition of multi-tasking)
-Then depending on how ambitious I'm feeling I go to the gym
-Come home shower
-Do makeup and hair
-Go put water on the stove to boil
-Get dressed, when I come out I add my oatmeal to the boiling water
-As the oatmeal cooks I make a sandwich and a snack to take to school

So I think we get the point. Getting ready for bed is pretty similar to that, even with folding down my sheets as I'm brushing my teeth. So as uninteresting as this blog post is, it was just another realization about my life.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

haha. I do the exact same thing. I'm such a creature of habit. Finals week totally throws me off.